Tei Shi - New Shapes with Tei Shi and Lizzy Plapinger ─ Vevo

Tei Shi was afraid of the dark as a child, and the title of her ‘Crawl Space’ album harks to the safe haven she’d retreat to for comfort. Dreamy, soulful, and inviting, her music kind of feels like a place that provides a bit of refuge, too. In her extended ‘New Shapes’ interview with Vevo’s Lizzy Plapinger, the Bueno Aries native and Berklee-educated musician recounts singing into a boombox as a child, using those tapes on ‘Crawl Space,’ and having that become a self-affirming moment for her artistry – even though she has hard time coming to grips with the term “artist.” See what she says about living in Manhattan’s Chinatown and trouncing daily phobias in our candid chat.

Director: Nick Neofitidis
Producer: Lori Schmon

Tei Shi on Vevo – https://www.vevo.com/artist/tei-shi

Tei Shi
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