Jonas Blue, Tifa Chen - Billboard ─ JonasBlueVEVO

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你向世界宣告 (I'm gonna tell the world)
我们多好 (We are so good together)
又让我挂上假笑 (and put on my fake smile)
每张合照 (and pose for photo together)

你却像一场感冒 (you are like a flu)
太难治好 (can't be cured)
越来越甩不掉 (can't be shaken)
越抓越牢 (holding on tighter)

我拜托你快走开 别来烦我 (please go away quickly, don't bother me)
不要再消费彼此暧昧过 (Don't waste our ambiguity on ourselves)
停止你不得安宁的放送 (stop your restless broadcast)
It's so weird

I see you like a billboard, painted in the sky
You're everywhere tonight
You light up like shanghai at night
I see you like a billboard, stranger in the night
Something that reminds me
You're still living here in my mind

My mind, my mind
My mind, my mind
My mind, my mind
You're still living here in my mind

我们曾经约定过 (we made a promise)
让彼此快乐 (give each other happiness)
你得到你想要的 (you have what you wanted)
却忽略了我 (but ignored me)

你说你不想要走 (you said you didn't wanna go)
你还在乎我 (you still care about me)
如果只是怕寂寞 (If that is only 'cos you're afraid of loneliness)
不要一错再错 (don't make the same mistake again)

我拜托你快走开 别来烦我 (please go away quickly, don't bother me)
不要再消费彼此暧昧过 (Don't waste our ambiguity on ourselves)
停止你不得安宁的放送 (stop your restless broadcast)
It's so weird

I see you like a billboard, painted in the sky
You're everywhere tonight
You light up like shanghai at night
I see you like a billboard, stranger in the night
Something that reminds me
You're still living here in my mind

My mind, my mind
My mind, my mind
My mind, my mind
You're still living here in my mind

I see you like a billboard, painted in the sky
You're everywhere tonight
You light up like shanghai at night
I see you like a billboard, stranger in the night
Something that reminds me
You're still living here in my mind

I see you like a billboard, painted in the sky
You're everywhere tonight
You light up like shanghai at night
I see you like a billboard, stranger in the night
Something that reminds me
You're still living here in my mind

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